
Oracle Restart(One Node RAC)를 Oracle RAC로 전환 하는 과정을 설명하려 한다.

결론부터 이야기 하면 기존 Oracle Restart를 Deconfig, Deinstall 후에 다시 Oracle RAC를 설치 하고 하고 구성 하면 된다.

[기존 Oracle Restart 환경 백업]

-기존 Oracle ASM 환경 백업

---ASM 환경 백업
[grid@rac1 DATASYNCXML]$ sqlplus "/as sysasm"

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sat May 15 22:59:52 2021

Copyright (c) 1982, 2016, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

SQL> show parameter spfile

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
spfile                               string      +DG1/ASM/ASMPARAMETERFILE/regi
SQL> create pfile='/home/grid/DATASYNCXML/initASM.ora_20210514' from spfile;

File created.

SQL> !pwd

SQL> !ls

SQL> select GROUP_NUMBER, NAME, PATH from v$asm_disk;
GROUP_NUMBER NAME                           PATH
------------ ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------
           0                                /dev/oracleasm/asm-disk6
           0                                /dev/oracleasm/asm-disk3
           0                                /dev/oracleasm/asm-disk2
           0                                /dev/oracleasm/asm-disk1
           2 DG2_0000                       /dev/oracleasm/asm-disk5
           1 DG1_0000                       /dev/oracleasm/asm-disk4

6 rows selected.

SQL> exit
Disconnected from Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
[grid@rac1 DATASYNCXML]$

-기본 DB 환경 백업

[oracle@rac1 DATASYNCXML]$ sqlplus "/as sysdba"
SQL> show parameter spfile;
NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
spfile                               string      +DG1/TEST/PARAMETERFILE/spfile
SQL> create pfile='/home/oracle/DATASYNCXML/initTEST.ora_20210515' from spfile;
File created.
SQL> alter database backup controlfile to trace as '/home/oracle/DATASYNCXML/cr_con.sql_20210515';
Database altered.
SQL> !pwd
SQL> !ls
cr_con.sql_20210515  initTEST.ora_20210515
SQL> exit
[oracle@rac1 DATASYNCXML]$
[oracle@rac1 dbs]$ pwd
[oracle@rac1 dbs]$ ls
hc_TEST.dat  init.ora  lkTEST  orapwTEST
[oracle@rac1 dbs]$ cp orapwTEST /home/oracle/DATASYNCXML/
[oracle@rac1 dbs]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
[oracle@rac1 admin]$ pwd
[oracle@rac1 admin]$ ls
samples  shrept.lst  tnsnames.ora
[oracle@rac1 admin]$ cp tnsnames.ora /home/oracle/DATASYNCXML/
[oracle@rac1 admin]$ cd /home/oracle/DATASYNCXML/
[oracle@rac1 DATASYNCXML]$ ls
cr_con.sql_20210515  initTEST.ora_20210515  orapwTEST  tnsnames.ora
[oracle@rac1 DATASYNCXML]$

-GRID 환경 확인

[root@rac1 bin]# pwd
[root@rac1 bin]# ./ocrcheck
Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows :
         Version                  :          4
         Total space (kbytes)     :     409568
         Used space (kbytes)      :        228
         Available space (kbytes) :     409340
         ID                       : 1285054990
         Device/File Name         : /grid/
                                    Device/File integrity check succeeded
                                    Device/File not configured
                                    Device/File not configured
                                    Device/File not configured
                                    Device/File not configured
         Cluster registry integrity check succeeded
         Logical corruption check succeeded
[root@rac1 bin]#
[root@rac1 bin]# cd /etc
[root@rac1 etc]# ls -al ora*
-rw-r--r--. 1 root   root   32 Oct  1  2020 oracle-release
-rw-r--r--. 1 root   root   48 May 14 22:42 oraInst.loc
-rw-rw-r--. 1 oracle dba   805 May 14 23:10 oratab
total 3544
drwxr-x---.   6 root dba     4096 May 14 22:44 .
drwxr-xr-x. 148 root root    8192 May 15 22:49 ..
drwxrwx---.   2 grid dba        6 May 14 22:42 lastgasp
drwxrwx---.   2 root dba        6 May 14 22:42 maps
-rw-r-----.   1 grid dba       76 May 14 22:44 ocr.loc
-rw-r--r--.   1 root root      16 May 14 22:44 ocr.loc.orig
-rw-r-----.   1 root dba       88 May 14 22:44 olr.loc
-rw-r--r--.   1 root root       0 May 14 22:44 olr.loc.orig
drwxrwx---.   5 root dba       44 May 14 22:42 oprocd
drwxr-x---.   3 root dba       18 May 14 22:42 scls_scr
-rws--x---.   1 root dba  3598480 May 14 22:42 setasmgid
[root@rac1 etc]#
[root@rac1 etc]# cd oracle
[root@rac1 oracle]# ls
lastgasp  maps  ocr.loc  ocr.loc.orig  olr.loc  olr.loc.orig  oprocd  scls_scr  setasmgid
[root@rac1 oracle]# more ocr.loc
[root@rac1 oracle]#
[root@rac1 oracle]# more olr.loc
[root@rac1 oracle]#
[root@rac1 oracle]# cd ..
[root@rac1 etc]# more oraInst.loc
[root@rac1 etc]# more oratab
# This file is used by ORACLE utilities.  It is created by root.sh
# and updated by either Database Configuration Assistant while creating
# a database or ASM Configuration Assistant while creating ASM instance.

# A colon, ':', is used as the field terminator.  A new line terminates
# the entry.  Lines beginning with a pound sign, '#', are comments.
# Entries are of the form:
# The first and second fields are the system identifier and home
# directory of the database respectively.  The third field indicates
# to the dbstart utility that the database should , "Y", or should not,
# "N", be brought up at system boot time.
# Multiple entries with the same $ORACLE_SID are not allowed.
[root@rac1 etc]#

[Oracle Restart Deconifg & Deinstall]

-작업전 상태 확인

[root@rac1 install]# cd /grid/
[root@rac1 install]# pwd
[root@rac1 install]# /grid/ status res -t
Name           Target  State        Server                   State details
Local Resources
               ONLINE  ONLINE       rac1                     STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       rac1                     STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       rac1                     STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       rac1                     Started,STABLE
               OFFLINE OFFLINE      rac1                     STABLE
Cluster Resources
      1        ONLINE  ONLINE       rac1                     STABLE
      1        OFFLINE OFFLINE                               STABLE
      1        ONLINE  ONLINE       rac1                     STABLE
      1        OFFLINE OFFLINE                               Instance Shutdown,ST
[root@rac1 install]#

-Oracle Restart Deconfig

이슈 #1
#./roothas.pl -deconfig -force -verbose -keepdg ==> Oracle Restart는 Keepdg 옵션 없음

이슈 #2
Perl 버전 맞지 않아서 발생 하는 문제 임.
[root@rac1 install]# ./roothas.pl -deconfig -force -verbose
Can't locate Env.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 . . ./../../perl/lib) at crsinstall.pm line 286.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at crsinstall.pm line 286.
Compilation failed in require at ./roothas.pl line 97.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./roothas.pl line 97.
[root@rac1 install]#
[root@rac1 install]# /grid/ ./roothas.pl -deconfig -force -verbose
Using configuration parameter file: ./crsconfig_params
The log of current session can be found at:
2021/05/15 23:17:28 CLSRSC-332: CRS resources for listeners are still configured
CRS-2791: Starting shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'rac1'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.evmd' on 'rac1'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.DG1.dg' on 'rac1'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.DG2.dg' on 'rac1'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.DG1.dg' on 'rac1' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.DG2.dg' on 'rac1' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.asm' on 'rac1'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.evmd' on 'rac1' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.asm' on 'rac1' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.cssd' on 'rac1'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.cssd' on 'rac1' succeeded
CRS-2793: Shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'rac1' has completed
CRS-4133: Oracle High Availability Services has been stopped.
2021/05/15 23:20:33 CLSRSC-337: Successfully deconfigured Oracle Restart stack
[root@rac1 install]#

-Oracle Restart Deinstall

[grid@rac1 deinstall]$ id
uid=54321(grid) gid=54322(dba) groups=54322(dba) context=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023
[grid@rac1 deinstall]$ pwd
[grid@rac1 deinstall]$ ls
bootstrap_files.lst  deinstall         deinstall.pl   jlib        response         utl
bootstrap.pl         deinstall.ouibak  deinstall.xml  readme.txt  sshUserSetup.sh
[grid@rac1 deinstall]$
[grid@rac1 deinstall]$ ./deinstall
Checking for required files and bootstrapping ...
Please wait ...
Location of logs /grid/oraInventory/logs/
############ ORACLE DECONFIG TOOL START ############
######################### DECONFIG CHECK OPERATION START #########################
## [START] Install check configuration ##
 Specify a comma-separated list of remote nodes to cleanup :
Checking for existence of the Oracle home location /grid/
Oracle Home type selected for deinstall is: Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Standalone Server
Oracle Base selected for deinstall is: /grid/base
Checking for existence of central inventory location /grid/oraInventory
Checking for existence of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home
## [END] Install check configuration ##
Traces log file: /grid/oraInventory/logs//crsdc_2021-05-15_11-25-26-PM.log
Network Configuration check config START
Network de-configuration trace file location: /grid/oraInventory/logs/netdc_check2021-05-15_11-25-26-PM.log
Specify all Oracle Restart enabled listeners that are to be de-configured. Enter .(dot) to deselect all. [LISTENER]:
Network Configuration check config END
Asm Check Configuration START
ASM de-configuration trace file location: /grid/oraInventory/logs/asmcadc_check2021-05-15_11-25-46-PM.log
ASM configuration was not detected in this Oracle home. Was ASM configured in this Oracle home (y|n) [n]: y
Automatic Storage Management (ASM) instance is detected in this Oracle home /grid/
ASM Diagnostic Destination : /grid/base
ASM Diskgroups :
ASM diskstring : <Default>
Diskgroups will not be dropped
 If you want to retain the existing diskgroups or if any of the information detected is incorrect, you can modify by entering 'y'. Do you  want to modify above information (y|n) [n]:
Database Check Configuration START
Database de-configuration trace file location: /grid/oraInventory/logs/databasedc_check2021-05-15_11-26-12-PM.log
Database Check Configuration END
######################### DECONFIG CHECK OPERATION END #########################
####################### DECONFIG CHECK OPERATION SUMMARY #######################
Oracle Grid Infrastructure Home is:
Oracle Home selected for deinstall is: /grid/
Inventory Location where the Oracle home registered is: /grid/oraInventory
Following Oracle Restart enabled listener(s) will be de-configured: LISTENER
ASM instance will be de-configured from this Oracle home
Do you want to continue (y - yes, n - no)? [n]: y
A log of this session will be written to: '/grid/oraInventory/logs/deinstall_deconfig2021-05-15_11-23-46-PM.out'
Any error messages from this session will be written to: '/grid/oraInventory/logs/deinstall_deconfig2021-05-15_11-23-46-PM.err'
######################## DECONFIG CLEAN OPERATION START ########################
Database de-configuration trace file location: /grid/oraInventory/logs/databasedc_clean2021-05-15_11-26-24-PM.log
ASM de-configuration trace file location: /grid/oraInventory/logs/asmcadc_clean2021-05-15_11-26-24-PM.log
ASM Clean Configuration START
ASM Clean Configuration END
Network Configuration clean config START
Network de-configuration trace file location: /grid/oraInventory/logs/netdc_clean2021-05-15_11-26-28-PM.log
De-configuring Oracle Restart enabled listener(s): LISTENER
De-configuring listener: LISTENER
    Stopping listener: LISTENER
    Warning: Failed to stop listener. Listener may not be running.
    Deleting listener: LISTENER
    Listener deleted successfully.
Listener de-configured successfully.
De-configuring Naming Methods configuration file...
Naming Methods configuration file de-configured successfully.
De-configuring backup files...
Backup files de-configured successfully.
The network configuration has been cleaned up successfully.
Network Configuration clean config END
######################### DECONFIG CLEAN OPERATION END #########################
####################### DECONFIG CLEAN OPERATION SUMMARY #######################
ASM instance was de-configured successfully from the Oracle home
Following Oracle Restart enabled listener(s) were de-configured successfully: LISTENER
Oracle Restart is stopped and de-configured successfully.
############# ORACLE DECONFIG TOOL END #############
Using properties file /tmp/deinstall2021-05-15_11-23-31PM/response/deinstall_2021-05-15_11-23-46-PM.rsp
Location of logs /grid/oraInventory/logs/
############ ORACLE DEINSTALL TOOL START ############
####################### DEINSTALL CHECK OPERATION SUMMARY #######################
A log of this session will be written to: '/grid/oraInventory/logs/deinstall_deconfig2021-05-15_11-23-46-PM.out'
Any error messages from this session will be written to: '/grid/oraInventory/logs/deinstall_deconfig2021-05-15_11-23-46-PM.err'
######################## DEINSTALL CLEAN OPERATION START ########################
## [START] Preparing for Deinstall ##
Setting LOCAL_NODE to rac1
Setting CRS_HOME to false
Setting oracle.installer.invPtrLoc to /tmp/deinstall2021-05-15_11-23-31PM/oraInst.loc
Setting oracle.installer.local to false
## [END] Preparing for Deinstall ##
Setting the force flag to false
Setting the force flag to cleanup the Oracle Base
Oracle Universal Installer clean START
Detach Oracle home '/grid/' from the central inventory on the local node : Done
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. The directory is not empty.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/'. The directory is not empty.
Delete directory '/grid/' on the local node : Failed <<<<
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/incident'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/metadata_pv'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/metadata_dgif'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/incpkg'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/sweep'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/cdump'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/stage'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/log/debug'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/log/test'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/sqlnet.log'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_11651_140209272951296.trc'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_11651_140209272951296.trm'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_11675_139718512308736.trc'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_11675_139718512308736.trm'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_11768_139688813842944.trc'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_11768_139688813842944.trm'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_12071_140168799908352.trc'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_12071_140168799908352.trm'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_12120_139725718536704.trc'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_12120_139725718536704.trm'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_12238_140577934811648.trc'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_12238_140577934811648.trm'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_12278_139967341953536.trc'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_12278_139967341953536.trm'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_12956_140481210315264.trc'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_12956_140481210315264.trm'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_13002_140501554618880.trc'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_13002_140501554618880.trm'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_13114_139704531800576.trc'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_13114_139704531800576.trm'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_13148_140281615708672.trc'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_13148_140281615708672.trm'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_13225_140167616795136.trc'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_13225_140167616795136.trm'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_13289_140111050756608.trc'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_13289_140111050756608.trm'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_13345_139993017614848.trc'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_13345_139993017614848.trm'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_13403_140218814157312.trc'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_13403_140218814157312.trm'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_13463_140117044482560.trc'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_13463_140117044482560.trm'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_13691_139664222880256.trc'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_13691_139664222880256.trm'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_13728_140088226955776.trc'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_13728_140088226955776.trm'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_13786_140300199977472.trc'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_13786_140300199977472.trm'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_13846_140599602676224.trc'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_13846_140599602676224.trm'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_13935_140266809573888.trc'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_13935_140266809573888.trm'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_13980_140043395428864.trc'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_13980_140043395428864.trm'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_14401_140239951036928.trc'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace/ora_14401_140239951036928.trm'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/trace'. The directory is not empty.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/alert/log.xml'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/alert'. The directory is not empty.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/incident'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/metadata/ADR_CONTROL.ams'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/metadata/ADR_INVALIDATION.ams'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/metadata/INC_METER_IMPT_DEF.ams'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/metadata/INC_METER_PK_IMPTS.ams'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/metadata'. The directory is not empty.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/metadata_pv'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/metadata_dgif'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/incpkg'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/sweep'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/lck/AM_3216668543_3129272988.lck'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/lck/AM_1744845641_3861997533.lck'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/lck/AM_1096102193_3488045378.lck'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the file '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/lck/AM_1096102262_3454819329.lck'. Either the file is in use or there are not enough permissions to delete the file.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/lck'. The directory is not empty.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/cdump'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/stage'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/log/debug'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/log/test'. Either user has no permission to delete or it is in use.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107/log'. The directory is not empty.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle/host_203307297_107'. The directory is not empty.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/base/diag/clients/user_oracle'. The directory is not empty.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/base/diag/clients'. The directory is not empty.
Failed to delete the directory '/grid/base/diag'. The directory is not empty.
The Oracle Base directory '/grid/base' will not be removed on local node. The directory is not empty.
Oracle Universal Installer cleanup was successful.
Oracle Universal Installer clean END
## [START] Oracle install clean ##
## [END] Oracle install clean ##
######################### DEINSTALL CLEAN OPERATION END #########################
####################### DEINSTALL CLEAN OPERATION SUMMARY #######################
Successfully detached Oracle home '/grid/' from the central inventory on the local node.
Failed to delete directory '/grid/' on the local node.
Oracle Universal Installer cleanup was successful.
Review the permissions and contents of '/grid/base' on nodes(s) 'rac1'.
If there are no Oracle home(s) associated with '/grid/base', manually delete '/grid/base' and its contents.
Oracle deinstall tool successfully cleaned up temporary directories.
############# ORACLE DEINSTALL TOOL END #############
[grid@rac1 deinstall]$

-Oracle Database Deinstall

[oracle@rac1 deinstall]$ id
uid=54322(oracle) gid=54322(dba) groups=54322(dba) context=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023
[oracle@rac1 deinstall]$ pwd
[oracle@rac1 deinstall]$ ls
bootstrap_files.lst  bootstrap.pl  deinstall  deinstall.pl  deinstall.xml  jlib  readme.txt  response  sshUserSetup.sh  utl
[oracle@rac1 deinstall]$
[oracle@rac1 deinstall]$ ./deinstall
Checking for required files and bootstrapping ...
Please wait ...
Location of logs /tmp/deinstall2021-05-15_11-30-58PM/logs/
############ ORACLE DECONFIG TOOL START ############
######################### DECONFIG CHECK OPERATION START #########################
## [START] Install check configuration ##
Checking for existence of the Oracle home location /oracle/product/
Oracle Home type selected for deinstall is: Oracle Single Instance Database
Oracle Base selected for deinstall is: /oracle/base
Checking for existence of central inventory location /grid/oraInventory
## [END] Install check configuration ##
Network Configuration check config START
Network de-configuration trace file location: /tmp/deinstall2021-05-15_11-30-58PM/logs/netdc_check2021-05-15_11-31-14-PM.log
Network Configuration check config END
Database Check Configuration START
Database de-configuration trace file location: /tmp/deinstall2021-05-15_11-30-58PM/logs/databasedc_check2021-05-15_11-31-14-PM.log
Use comma as separator when specifying list of values as input
Specify the list of database names that are configured in this Oracle home [TEST]:
###### For Database 'TEST' ######
Specify the type of this database (1.Single Instance Database|2.Oracle Restart Enabled Database) [1]:
Specify the diagnostic destination location of the database [/oracle/base/diag/rdbms/test]:
Specify the storage type used by the Database ASM|FS []: ASM
Specify if database Archive Mode is Enabled. y/n [n]:
Database Check Configuration END
Oracle Configuration Manager check START
OCM check log file location : /tmp/deinstall2021-05-15_11-30-58PM/logs//ocm_check3774.log
Oracle Configuration Manager check END
######################### DECONFIG CHECK OPERATION END #########################
####################### DECONFIG CHECK OPERATION SUMMARY #######################
Oracle Home selected for deinstall is: /oracle/product/
Inventory Location where the Oracle home registered is: /grid/oraInventory
The following databases were selected for de-configuration : TEST
Database unique name : TEST
Storage used : ASM
Checking the config status for CCR
Oracle Home exists with CCR directory, but CCR is not configured
CCR check is finished
Do you want to continue (y - yes, n - no)? [n]: y
A log of this session will be written to: '/tmp/deinstall2021-05-15_11-30-58PM/logs/deinstall_deconfig2021-05-15_11-31-13-PM.out'
Any error messages from this session will be written to: '/tmp/deinstall2021-05-15_11-30-58PM/logs/deinstall_deconfig2021-05-15_11-31-13-PM.err'
######################## DECONFIG CLEAN OPERATION START ########################
Database de-configuration trace file location: /tmp/deinstall2021-05-15_11-30-58PM/logs/databasedc_clean2021-05-15_11-32-26-PM.log
Database Clean Configuration START TEST
This operation may take few minutes.
Database Clean Configuration END TEST
Network Configuration clean config START
Network de-configuration trace file location: /tmp/deinstall2021-05-15_11-30-58PM/logs/netdc_clean2021-05-15_11-33-06-PM.log
De-configuring Local Net Service Names configuration file...
Local Net Service Names configuration file de-configured successfully.
De-configuring backup files...
Backup files de-configured successfully.
The network configuration has been cleaned up successfully.
Network Configuration clean config END
Oracle Configuration Manager clean START
OCM clean log file location : /tmp/deinstall2021-05-15_11-30-58PM/logs//ocm_clean3774.log
Oracle Configuration Manager clean END
######################### DECONFIG CLEAN OPERATION END #########################
####################### DECONFIG CLEAN OPERATION SUMMARY #######################
Successfully de-configured the following database instances : TEST
Cleaning the config for CCR
As CCR is not configured, so skipping the cleaning of CCR configuration
CCR clean is finished
############# ORACLE DECONFIG TOOL END #############
Using properties file /tmp/deinstall2021-05-15_11-30-58PM/response/deinstall_2021-05-15_11-31-13-PM.rsp
Location of logs /tmp/deinstall2021-05-15_11-30-58PM/logs/
############ ORACLE DEINSTALL TOOL START ############
####################### DEINSTALL CHECK OPERATION SUMMARY #######################
A log of this session will be written to: '/tmp/deinstall2021-05-15_11-30-58PM/logs/deinstall_deconfig2021-05-15_11-31-13-PM.out'
Any error messages from this session will be written to: '/tmp/deinstall2021-05-15_11-30-58PM/logs/deinstall_deconfig2021-05-15_11-31-13-PM.err'
######################## DEINSTALL CLEAN OPERATION START ########################
## [START] Preparing for Deinstall ##
Setting LOCAL_NODE to rac1
Setting CRS_HOME to false
Setting oracle.installer.invPtrLoc to /tmp/deinstall2021-05-15_11-30-58PM/oraInst.loc
Setting oracle.installer.local to false
## [END] Preparing for Deinstall ##
Setting the force flag to false
Setting the force flag to cleanup the Oracle Base
Oracle Universal Installer clean START
Detach Oracle home '/oracle/product/' from the central inventory on the local node : Done
Delete directory '/oracle/product/' on the local node : Done
Delete directory '/grid/oraInventory' on the local node : Failed <<<<
Delete directory '/oracle/base' on the local node : Done
Oracle Universal Installer cleanup completed with errors.
Oracle Universal Installer clean END
## [START] Oracle install clean ##
## [END] Oracle install clean ##
######################### DEINSTALL CLEAN OPERATION END #########################
####################### DEINSTALL CLEAN OPERATION SUMMARY #######################
Successfully detached Oracle home '/oracle/product/' from the central inventory on the local node.
Successfully deleted directory '/oracle/product/' on the local node.
Failed to delete directory '/grid/oraInventory' on the local node.
Successfully deleted directory '/oracle/base' on the local node.
Oracle Universal Installer cleanup completed with errors.
Run 'rm -r /etc/oraInst.loc' as root on node(s) 'rac1' at the end of the session.
Run 'rm -r /opt/ORCLfmap' as root on node(s) 'rac1' at the end of the session.
Run 'rm -r /etc/oratab' as root on node(s) 'rac1' at the end of the session.
Oracle deinstall tool successfully cleaned up temporary directories.
############# ORACLE DEINSTALL TOOL END #############
[oracle@rac1 deinstall]$

-기타 파일 삭제 및 Oracle HOME/GRID HOME 삭제 후 재 생성

[root@rac1 ~]# rm -r /etc/oraInst.loc
rm: remove regular file ‘/etc/oraInst.loc’? y
[root@rac1 ~]# rm -r /opt/ORCLfmap
rm: descend into directory ‘/opt/ORCLfmap’? y
rm: descend into directory ‘/opt/ORCLfmap/prot1_64’? y
rm: descend into directory ‘/opt/ORCLfmap/prot1_64/bin’? y
rm: remove regular file ‘/opt/ORCLfmap/prot1_64/bin/fmputl’? y
rm: remove regular file ‘/opt/ORCLfmap/prot1_64/bin/fmputlhp’? y
rm: remove directory ‘/opt/ORCLfmap/prot1_64/bin’? y
rm: descend into directory ‘/opt/ORCLfmap/prot1_64/etc’? y
rm: remove regular file ‘/opt/ORCLfmap/prot1_64/etc/filemap.ora’? y
rm: remove directory ‘/opt/ORCLfmap/prot1_64/etc’? y
rm: remove directory ‘/opt/ORCLfmap/prot1_64/log’? y
rm: remove directory ‘/opt/ORCLfmap/prot1_64’? y
rm: remove directory ‘/opt/ORCLfmap’? y
[root@rac1 ~]# rm -r /etc/oratab
rm: remove regular file ‘/etc/oratab’? y
[root@rac1 ~]#
[root@rac1 ~]# cd /grid
[root@rac1 grid]# ls  base  oraInventory
[root@rac1 grid]# rm -rf base oraInventory
[root@rac1 grid]# mkdir base oraInventory
[root@rac1 grid]# ls  base  oraInventory
[root@rac1 grid]# chown -R grid:dba ./base
[root@rac1 grid]# chown -R grid:dba ./oraInventory/
[root@rac1 grid]# ls -al
total 4
drwxrwxr-x.  5 grid dba    54 May 15 23:36 .
dr-xr-xr-x. 20 root root 4096 May 14 15:56 ..
drwxrwxr-x.  3 grid dba    18 May 14 16:07
drwxr-xr-x.  2 grid dba     6 May 15 23:36 base
drwxr-xr-x.  2 grid dba     6 May 15 23:36 oraInventory
[root@rac1 grid]# cd
[root@rac1]# ls
[root@rac1]# rm -rf grid
[root@rac1]# mkdir grid
[root@rac1]# chown -R grid:dba ./grid/
[root@rac1]# ls -al
total 0
drwxrwxr-x. 3 grid dba 18 May 15 23:37 .
drwxrwxr-x. 5 grid dba 54 May 15 23:36 ..
drwxr-xr-x. 2 grid dba  6 May 15 23:37 grid
[root@rac1]# cd /oracle
[root@rac1 oracle]# ls
[root@rac1 oracle]# mkdir base
[root@rac1 oracle]# chown -R oracle:dba ./base/
[root@rac1 oracle]# ls -al
total 4
drwxrwxr-x.  4 oracle dba    33 May 15 23:39 .
dr-xr-xr-x. 20 root   root 4096 May 14 15:56 ..
drwxr-xr-x.  2 oracle dba     6 May 15 23:39 base
drwxrwxr-x.  3 oracle dba    22 May 14 15:18 product
[root@rac1 oracle]# cd product/
[root@rac1]# ls
[root@rac1]# mkdir db_1
[root@rac1]# chown -R oracle:dba ./db_1/
[root@rac1]# l s-al
bash: l: command not found...
[root@rac1]# ls -al
total 0
drwxrwxr-x. 3 oracle dba 18 May 15 23:39 .
drwxrwxr-x. 3 oracle dba 22 May 14 15:18 ..
drwxr-xr-x. 2 oracle dba  6 May 15 23:39 db_1



[증 상]

수동/자동으로 SSH Seting 후 Oracle RAC 설치과정 중 Local Node와 Remote Node간 SSH Setup 하는 과정에서 Error 발생.

무시하고 넘어가면 맨 마지막 Summary 하는 단계에서 Remote Node가 보이지 않음.


[원 인]

hosts.allow hosts.deny에 Public IP가 등록 되지 않아서 발생



hosts.allow hosts.deny의 내용을 주석 처리 후 설치 성공


[기타 사항]

Google에서 "ins-44000 passwordless ssh connectivity is not setup from the local node"를 검색하면 매우 다양한 Case가 나온다. 그러니 모든 Case를 확인 하고 본인 환경에 맞는 방법을 적용 하면 된다.


[제품 주기 및 호환성]

Release Schedule of Current Database Releases (문서 ID 742060.1)

데이터베이스 릴리즈 일정 (문서 ID 2460719.1)

Client / Server Interoperability Support Matrix for Different Oracle Versions (문서 ID 207303.1)

서로 다른 오라클 버전의 클라이언트 / 서버 간의 상호 운용성 지원 매트릭스 (문서 ID 1556542.1)

Starting With Oracle JDBC Drivers - Installation, Certification, and More! (문서 ID 401934.1)

오라클 JDBC 드라이버 시작하기 - - 설치, 호환성 등 (문서 ID 1684635.1)



Oracle Database (RDBMS) on Unix AIX,HP-UX,Linux,Mac OS X,Solaris,Tru64 Unix Operating Systems Installation and Configuration Requirements Quick Reference (8.0.5 to 11.2) (문서 ID 169706.1)

Oracle Database (RDBMS) on Unix AIX,HP-UX,Linux,Solaris and MS Windows Operating Systems Installation and Configuration Requirements Quick Reference (12.1/12.2/18c/19c) (문서 ID 1587357.1)

How to Install / Upgrade/ Clone 12.2 Grid Infrastructure in Silent Mode Using gridSetup.sh (문서 ID 2327772.1) Requirements for Installing Oracle Database/Client 19c on OL8 or RHEL8 64-bit (x86-64) (문서 ID 2668780.1) Requirements for Installing Oracle Database 12.1 on RHEL5 or OL5 64-bit (x86-64) (문서 ID 1529433.1)

Requirements for Installing Oracle 11gR2 RDBMS on RHEL (and OL) 5 on AMD64/EM64T (문서 ID 880989.1)



Master Note for Database Proactive Patch Program (문서 ID 888.1)

Oracle Database 19c Important Recommended One-off Patches (문서 ID 555.1)

Assistant: Download Reference for Oracle Database/GI Update, Revision, PSU, SPU(CPU), Bundle Patches, Patchsets and Base Releases (문서 ID 2118136.2)

Example: Manually Apply a 12c GI PSU/Interim or DB Interim Patch in Cluster Environment (문서 ID 1594184.1) Supplemental Readme - Grid Infrastructure Release Update / 18c /19c (문서 ID 2246888.1)



How to Restore ASM Based OCR After Complete Loss of the CRS Diskgroup on Linux/Unix Systems (문서 ID 1062983.1)

11gR2 RAC : OCR을 구성하고있는 ASM Diskgroup이 전체손실 된 경우 복구 방법 (문서 ID 2139155.1)

How to Modify Public Network Information including VIP in Oracle Clusterware (문서 ID 276434.1)

오라클 클러스터웨어에서 VIP를 포함한 공용 네트워크 정보를 수정하는 방법 (문서 ID 1572572.1)

How to Modify Private Network Information in Oracle Clusterware (문서 ID 283684.1)

How to Update the IP Address of the SCAN VIP Resources (ora.scan{n}.vip) (문서 ID 952903.1)



Information Center: Oracle Exadata Database Machine (문서 ID 1306791.2)

Exadata Database Machine and Exadata Storage Server Supported Versions (문서 ID 888828.1)

Oracle Exadata Best Practices (문서 ID 757552.1) Exadata Starter Kit (문서 ID 1244344.1)

Exadata Critical Issues (문서 ID 1270094.1)

Changing IP addresses on Exadata Database Machine (문서 ID 1317159.1)


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